Last Tuesday we said goodbye to five of our colleagues who are retiring: Ineke van der Sar, Coby van Tongeren, Marc Steenvoorden, Madeleine Allais, Madeleine de Vetten and Desa van der Lugt.

Coby van Tongeren, 40 years at the Rijnlands

Coby provides sandwiches for our students and colleagues and enjoys having a private chat with them. They love Coby and for good reason; there is often a long line at the buffet counter. But colleagues also enjoy visiting her. Who hasn’t tasted her tuna sandwiches! She has great concern for the school. In the morning she is already in school around 7 a.m., busy preparing her buffet. In case of mischief around the building after school hours, she is on standby, day and night. She manages the cleaning service and makes sure our school is ship-shape for the Open Day. Yes, she really is working day and night for the school. And now she is going to let go of the Rijnlands, let go of her “darlings” and let go of us. Together with her husband Cor she will enjoy her well-deserved retirement.

Ineke van der Sar, 31 years at the Rijnlands

Ineke is a history teacher, she was department leader 3/4vwo and since 2008 she has been the VWO dean. No VWO student leaves school without a conversation with Ineke! After all, she guides them in their choice of studies and careers. What will our school look like without Ineke’s lively appearance? What are the breaks without her cordial presence? Where should our meetings go without Ineke’s critical and engaged contribution, without her commitment to Action Horsepower and her authority in the History section? What are we going to do without Ineke? it’s just not imaginable. Still, we will have to face it.

Desa van der Lugt, 28 years at the Rijnlands

All these years she has single-handedly represented one department: Theory of Knowledge. Desa is a polite, modest and hardworking woman. Very committed to her students. A silent force. If you have had the pleasure of being in conversation with her, you know she is a warm personality, with attention to the other person and always a sincere “How are you?” Someone who prefers to stay in the background and who is probably looking forward to the farewell moment with trepidation. She has difficulty letting go of the Rijnlands. Yet she is also looking forward to retirement, to be with her husband and to be able to relax and have the time to read a good book, starting with “The Office” by Voskuil.

Marc Steenvoorden, 24 years at the Rijnlands

For years he played in a band and was a true Herman Brood. His outfit was even tailored to it. He also showed us his singing talent at school. He was an active member of the social committee. As a teacher he was very committed to his profession, a true autodidact with a big heart for his subject. He even created a movie theater in his classroom, where he gave students visual instruction. He wrote his own digital method. Still, now he is retiring early; perhaps the retirement of his Madeleine made him decide this. He has plenty of plans for the future.

Madeleine de Vetten, 19 years at the Rijnlands

Heart on her sleeve, well-dressed, passionate Dutch teacher, devoted grandmother, avid reader and athlete, but above all a real ‘people person’ who is there for everyone, from grandchild to student to colleague. Surely when you think of this description you immediately think of Madeleine de Vetten? All with a full 100 percent commitment as a teacher for her students in the classroom and as a member of the social committee for her colleagues, but also as a compassionate Rijnlander who is happy to send you a well-wishing card when she knows you need it. After years of dedication, she too is retiring at the end of this school year.

Madeleine Allais, 7 years at the Rijnlands

She was already a 60-year-old when she joined the German department, but it soon became apparent that in her heart, behavior, opinions, energy, and so on, she is perhaps the youngest in the department. What an incredible power this woman has! She could work on until her 77th birthday 😉. Yet this year came the surprising announcement that enough is enough. After so many years of teaching, Madeleine is now retiring. Even her V6 tutor group can hardly believe it: Mrs. Allais quitting… it’s unimaginable and unacceptable. What will this emsy Ameise do with all that free time? Among other things: cycling through Europe, good cooking, visiting friends in Germany, crafting, enjoying her peace and quiet, and lots of knitting!